Your gift will help kids breathe and eat safely.
Provides equipment and medication for a newly diagnosed child
Supports two under-insured children for one year
Supplies a school with emergency asthma equipment
Offers asthma and food allergy training for childcare providers
Purchases an allergic bed and pillow encasing for a child
Provides rescue medicine for a school for one year

AAFA for All Giving Club, a program of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, MidStates Chapter (AAFA-MidStates), believes that all children and adults should be able to breathe and eat safely. For this to become a reality, every American should have access to lifesaving treatment and education, healthy air quality, and resources to overcome barriers to attending school and leading happy, healthy lives.
Join the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, MidStates Chapter Giving Club today, and help us create a world where we have air, access, food, and advocacy for all.
Select a giving level below to start your recurring donation to help AAFA-MidStates serve more kids.
Together, we can help kids breathe!